Holistic Group Counseling with Adolescents
Link for Access: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81274251453
Holistic counseling helps clients to heal by focusing on the entire human being and their life experiences are considered for assessment and treatment purposes. This integrated whole includes physical, social, psychological, and spiritual concerns. With this presentation, the participants will be able to learn a greater understanding of what holistic counseling is and what it can look like within a group setting while working with adolescents. However, it is important for counselors, amongst other health professionals, to understand that holistic counseling does not always mean exactly the same for each client.
Holistic counseling groups with adolescents can have different areas of focus depending on the needs of those within the group. One group may have an involvement of activities that promote the integration and balance of cognitive, emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. While another group may have a psychoeducational focus. Holistic counseling groups are able to meet a wide range of topics, including grief, trauma, mental health, leadership training, addiction, and more.
Holistic group counseling with adolescents can have numerous benefits for the clients including that it allows them to better see the connections between the different aspects of their lives and better understand who this affects their health and wellness. Some holistic approaches used in counseling can also be used outside of the group session, so the client can practice and perform on their own.
This program is of an experiential nature where I will be giving the participants practical skills that they can use within a group setting with adolescents to create a more holistic counseling approach. This program is also considered an experiential workshop because I will have the participants engage in a short activity to practice some of the skills/techniques talked about throughout the presentation.
Learning Outcomes
1) Upon completion, participants will be able to demonstrate strategies to successfully use holistic counseling within group sessions with adolescents.
2) Upon completion, participants will be able to describe the main components of holistic counseling and how they can vary from each client.
3) Upon completion, participants will be able to devise group counseling sessions with adolescents that attract a more holistic group dynamic.
Kemmel Palmer, TLLP, MA Counseling Psychology
The presenter currently holds a TLLP and is a doctoral student in Counselor Education and Supervision. They work with adolescents who face a myriad of diverse situations, providing counseling services and psychological evaluations. They have been trained in diverse treatment modalities to help enhance the well-being and self-care of individuals.
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Varga, Lanier, B., Biber, D., & Stewart, B. (2021). Holistic Grief Effects, Mental Health, and Counseling Support in Bereaved College Students. The College Student Affairs Journal, 39(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.1353/csj.2021.0000